Member 1 by Fitria Syavira Harani ( 22216900 )
Partciples as Adjective : Present Participles or Past Participles

1. I am interested in reading the book Accounting Game: Basic Accounting Fresh from the Lemonade Stand.
2. Yena looks so tired when she got home last night after work for a week in Singapore.
3. I am frightened of my boss because he is so perfectionist.
4. The speaker of the seminar talk too much, so I am bored.
5. We were really disappointed by the service of Mazela Hotel.
6. Rafly is calling me to make sure that we have an appointment for a meeting at Yazaya Restaurant tomorrow.
7. Zizi Company will arriving at our company tomorrow by 10 am.
8. Silla will not attending the Bella's Birthday Party because she is going to Switzerland to take an interview test.
9. Raina receiving a special package from Mr. Joo as a gift for employee of the month.
10. Shima studying so hard until late night because she want to get a scholarship at Harvard University.

Member 2 by Rakha Khansa Sakila Putri Malik ( 26216032 )

1. Registering, analyzing, and reporting are activities performed in accounting division.
2. Written test, aptitude test, and physical test are activities for recruiting employees.
3. As the tax consultant, mr. Choi not only can make an output tax invoice but also make an input tax invoice.
4. Mr. Park not only have a property business but also a transportation business.
5. Either Bandung or Surabaya will be an outing employee destination.
6. Either Flecya or Siska will be transferred to the leasing division.
7. Neither today nor the day after tomorrow is company's anniversary.
8. Neither production division nor marketing division that makes profit report.
9. Both the central head and the branch head are doing routine meeting.
10. SOHO company had a branch office both in Japan and in Korea.

Member 3 by Salma Nur Azizah ( 26216775 )
Preposition Combinations

1. Jane worried about the final decision she made to end up her career.
2. Robert is responsible for the loss of his company.
3. The CEO is really care about his employees prosperity.
4. Tiffany complains about the bill she received from the waiter.
5. Chris is satisfied with the profit of his company has made this year.
6. Unfortunately, Kate doesn’t get the information about the relation of Bara to corruption case that is being handled by her.
7. The financial report is based on all the transactions for the past 12 months.
8. I agree with James to fix all the equipment instead of buy the new one.
9. Mr. Gru talks about the advantage of being a business partner with his company.
10. Satria is good at negotiation with the client.

Member 4 by Susanto ( 27216207 )

1. He’s married to an Australian woman.
2. The movie is very similiar to the book
3. Im interested in cooking
4. The teacher was disappointed in the behavior of the class.
5. She was highly skilled in physics and chemistry.
6. Im surprised at how fast my students are learning.
7. My mother is angry at me because i forgot her birthday
8. Jamila is good at songwriting and painting.
9. He’s terrible at math – he failed the class twice!
10. Playing memory games is excellent for improving your brain function.

Member 5 by Ayu Amelia ( 21216232 )
Two Word / Three Word Verb

1. We can’t go on with the project without them.
2. I am looking forward to discuss the development plan next year.
3. He was the only one who standed up for you.
4. Make sure of data before making any decision.
5. I will send you a report after i get through with the project.
6. The manager work out the problem of condition decline in the company’s finances.
7. He didn’t think through the consequences of his options.
8. I was very happy to run across find a month-end report book in the director’s room.
9. She wants to turn into a millionaire in about 5 years.
10. He never backs down from a confrontation.

Member 6 by Christina Meylani Gisela ( 21216608 )

1. You can call off the contract within a few days.
2. Before you apply your job application, you better find out about working in construction.
3. Before you buy a used car, you need to look it over thoroughly.
4. The man has decided to close his business down.
5. He’s taken up the post of supervisor in my company.
6. I will ask my secretary to set up a meeting to discuss it.
7. The cooperation between the companies broke down after two years.
8. Because the cost of fuel has been expensive, many entrepreneur drives down the production cost.
9. After ten years working at the company, his father has decided to stand down.
10. On the New Year’s Eve many seller bring down the price of their product.


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