Introducing Ourselves and Others in Business Situation

(In a Café)

Lissa     :  Hi, Jenny! How are you? I haven’t seen you in a while

Jenny    :  Oh Hello Lissa.. I’m fine,it has been a long time

Lissa     :  Yeah, you’re right. It’s almost a year we don’t meet each other. Oh yea Jenny.

This is my friend, her name is Rose.

Rose      :  Hi Jenny

Jenny    :  Hi Rose, nice to meet you. Where do you come from ?

Rose      :  Pleased to meet you too. I’m from the same city with Lissa

Jenny    :  Oh, How do you know each other ?

Lissa     :  We work together,. What are you doing these days, Jenny?

Jenny    :  Oh. I work for one of the biggest company in this center Jakarta as an

secretary. My office is near from Here.

Lissa     :  Oh, that sounds great !. So, is the job going well ?

Jenny    :  Of course, I’m enjoying it. Having a good teamwork and work with kind and

capability person on their side is a good point I get from this job.  How about

you Lissa ?

Lissa     :  Oh, I’m a counceling teacher. I help students to learn how to treat and love

themselves, I also hearing ang solving their problem by giving some advice.

Jenny    :  That’s interesting. How long have you been working in that school ?

Lissa     :  I have been working there almost 4 years

Jenny    :  Such a long time. How about you Rose ?

Rose      :  Oh I’m an English teacher. Just like basically, I help students to learn about

writing, reading, and speaking english properly.

Jenny    : Where do you two teach ?

Lissa     : In Singapore International School. It’s about 5 km from here

Jenny    : Oh I see. And then where are you living at now Lissa?

Lissa     :  I stay in Andalas Apartment. I shared room with Rose, we living together.

How about you?

Jenny    : Oh, I’m living in my parent house in Setiabudi area

Lissa     : Thats great. Could I take your phone number? We have to meet again next time

Jenny    : Sure. Its 0812 2345 5678 . Make sure we have to meet and take a moment

together again Lissa and Rose.

Rose      :  Yea, exactly.

Lissa     :  We have to go now Jenny, I had another plan with Rose after this lunch

Jenny    : Oh I get it. Take care on your way guys

Lissa     : Yea, thank you,

Rose      : See you later Jenny

Jenny    : See you later Lissa Rose.

Members :

Ayu Amelia
Ayu Ningtiyas
Christina Meylani Gisela
Fitria Syavira Harani
Pradivta Alfatihah
Rakha Khansa Sakila Putri Malik
Salma Nur Azizah


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