Meeting 5 (Discussion)


( Created by : Ayu Amelia )
1.      To give motivation to the seminar participants.
2.      To give problem solving for seminar participants related to the future that needs to prepared from now.
3.      To give plans for all our desires in the future.
4.      To give an overview of life goals and determine what potential we owned from now.
5.      To add a lot of ideas for students to inspire and develop their dreams and future from now.
6.      To realize dreams in the future.
7.      To know how successful people arrange goals in their lives.

Benefits :
1.      It is hoped that the seminar participants will procure knowledge about the goals that they will achieve in the future.
2.      The  seminar participants are able to identify each of their respective life goals.
3.      The seminar participants are able to make realistic plans to achieve their goals in the future.
4.      The seminar participants will know the starting point for starting a success.
5.      The  seminar participants are able to know how big the gap is between the starting point and the goals point of the dream in the future.
6.      The seminar participants are able to think of every dream that increasingly clear in individual thinking.
7.      The seminar participants can grow the life goals of their dreams, values, and beliefs naturally from each individual.
8.      To grow motivation in each participant to develop success from now.
9.      The participants are able to improve themselves

Explaining Process Chain (from the start up to the end) of the Job

( Created by Ayu Ningtiyas )
1.      To hold an event seminar, it is necessary to prepare a seminar for adequate and comfortable space. Convenient for material participants and participants.
2.      The seminar will not work if there are no seminar participants. Therefore, the committee must analyze precisely the target of the seminar participants according to the theme that will be held.
3.      For the seminar directing the course, a moderator who is quite experienced is needed.
4.      Before the participants tie into the space seminar. Participants are required to re-register at the registration desk.
5.      The committee gives snacks that have been provided when registering for re-registration.
6.      After registering, the participant's seminar enters the seminar at 8:00 a.m.
7.      Participants expected in the previous place.
8.      At 8:30 a.m., open the seminar and sing the song "Indonesia Raya".
9.      After singing the Indonesia Raya song, the next event is the speech of the chief executive.
10.  At 8.50 a.m., the Message from the Board of Trustees or the Responsible Board for the seminar.
11.  At 9.00 a.m., presentation of Material 1 to be delivered by Speaker 1.
12.  At 09:40 a.m., a question and answer session was held for material 1.
13.  At 10.20 a.m., the destruction of Material 2 to be delivered by Speaker 2.
14.  At 10:50 a.m., a question and answer session was held for material 2.
15.  At 11:10 a.m., Closing and Prayer for the seminar.
16.  Distribution of certificates is done at the time of registration after the event has finished.

Explaining Him/Herself Experience

( Created by Christina Meylani )
Becoming an Event Organizer have a lots of experience. All events made have different
stories. Some succeed and some fail and are faced with complicated clients making this work
colorful and not boring. Although doing the same thing, but with different people I understand
to overcome problems that can arise unexpectedly.

An exciting event is often the benchmark for the success of event organizers. I have to make
sure all the details and needs are available with the existing budget. Besides that, I also have
to follow the schedule that was made before. The targets that must be achieved, property,
borrowing venues, and looking for MC and the quality of sound are my responsibility. Being
an EO is indeed hard and dynamic, even though everything is planned but there are some
aspects that are unexpectedly, so it must work fast, think fast and the important thing is what
is needed by the event is fulfilled.

When I was participated in this Event Organizer Team, I also knew many people in various
professions and better understood how to behave under certain conditions. And I also got a lot
of knowledge from the people there, started to know and to build networks with them.

In organizing this event, we often find obstacles or problems such as limited costs, difficulties
in finding the right time and place, and lack of supporting sponsors. But with good team work,
we can work together to solve all problems and successfully hold events.

How to Delegate the Part of the Job

( Created by Fitria Syavira Harani )
This is a list of the person in charge of each job in a seminar entitled "PREPARE YOUR
1.   Invitation
Like making invitation proposals for speakers. this section will be responsible for the event
2.   Seminar Room
This section will be responsible for the event section.
3.   Sound System
This section will be held responsible by the logistics section.
4.   Stationery
This section will be held responsible by the logistics section.
5.   Consumption
This section will be responsible for the consumption section.
6.   Health
This section will be held responsible by the health section
7.   Moderator
This section will be held responsible by the event section selected to be mc.
8.   Sponsor
Such as making sponsorship proposals for companies that can be made sponsors for this
How to Give Reports of the Jobs Progress

( Created by Pradivta Al fatihah )
The seminar activities have been carried out successfully on all fields involved both from Gunadarma University, the executive body of Economics Faculty students, and Gunadarma University students. The program ran smoothly with more than 100 participants in the event. Preliminary plans, seminars for the Chairperson of Activities, pleased with the seminar and seminar program. The speeches carried out were quite clear and detailed as a form of appreciation and gratitude to the participants of the event especially the students of Gunadarma, who were attended the seminars.

How to Handle Some Problems for Seminar Event

( Created by Rakha Khansa Sakila P M )
·         Problems:
There is no seminar participant certificate.
wehandle it by sending e-certificates to participants who have already finished.
·         Problems:
One of three speakers was unable to attend.
To handle it, we provide additions to the two speakers who attended and held games for the seminar visitors.
·         Problems:
Some microphones died when delivering material by the speakers.
To hanle it, we provide microphone more than the number of speakers, the condition occurs so that something can be considered as.
·         Problems:
Participants have difficulty finding a toilet location
To handle this problem, we will provide an information board that can be used for toilets.
·         Problems:
Participants forget to bring an entrance ticket
To handle this problem, the committee only needs to test the data in accordance with the data that has been made when they fill in their personal data when buying a ticket

Members :

1.      Ayu Amelia
2.      Ayu Ningtiyas
3.      Christina Meylani Gisela
4.      Fitria Syavira Harani
5.      Pradivta Alfatihah
6.      Rakha Khansa Sakila P M
7.      Salma Nur Azizah


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